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    BCG Platinion On Digital

    Assaf Tayar on the Insurance Industry

    9. Dezember 2020

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    Assaf Tayar, BCG Platinion Managing Director, discusses what traditional insurance businesses are doing to digitally transform themselves and what the insurance tech firms are doing to disrupt the industry. We also explore the idea of the bionic company and how it is the next frontier of digital transformation.


    The BCG Platinion on Digital Podcast brings you expert discussions on how winning organisations are harnessing new technologies and digital ways of working. Every episode features a topic at the core of BCG Platinion; adoption of emerging technologies, digital design, IT engineering and architecture, Agile and cybersecurity. 

    Subscribe now for the latest perspectives from knowledge leaders in technology and digital transformation .

    Learn more about BCG Platinion on our Website or LinkedIn

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