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BOOKEY Book Summary and Review
Tess of the D'Urbervilles Full Book Review
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Written in the British critical realist style of the 19th century, the tragic story of Tess of the d?Urbervilles is probably Thomas Hardy?s most famous work. Tess, the novel?s heroine, is a peasant girl, pure in heart and attractive. The hardships she experiences in the story eventually destroy her. Tess?s life is quite impoverished. She must work to support her poor relatives. Previously, Tess?s family were of aristocratic descent, but at the start of the book, they have fallen from favor and lost their fortune. Alec d?Urberville, the lascivious heir to a significant inheritance, takes advantage of Tess?s naivety. His seduction leads to her being disgraced. Tess?s true beloved, learning of her lost virginity, abandons her. Afterwards, Tess?s life spirals down, in cruel steps, to ruin.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock Tess of the D'Urbervilles by the British realist author Thomas Hardy.
Hardy was born in 1840. His father was a stonemason in Dorset, England. Hardy didn?t move away and settled to live in this part of the British countryside for most of his life. He loved nature and derived a great deal of inspiration for his books from the landscape and the outdoors. Most of his novels are set in the countryside, presenting a strong local flavor. The ancient name of his home region was Wessex. He often referrers to Wessex in his novels to define the local character. With Hardy Wessex Novels became a whole genre of English literature, but Hardy always held the title of the genre?s preeminent writer. Tess of the D'Urbervilles is an exemplar of this phenomenon. The novel is regarded as the peak of Hardy's creative career.
The story of Tess relates the tragic life of a pure woman beset by hardships, suffering, and abuse. The book?s heroine, Tess, is born into a poor peasant family, victims of the economic recession that hit Europe in the 1870s, known as the Long Depression. Tess's father stumbles upon the knowledge that he may be a descendant of the noble d'Urberville family. He sends Tess to these wealthy relatives in order to stake a claim that they are of the same family thereby overcome their current economic misfortune. Tess gains employment on the d'Urberville estate, but the lascivious d?Urberville son, Alec, forces himself on her and rapes her. From this point, the real tragedy begins.
This novel was written at the end of the 19th century in England?s Victorian era. When it was first published, it caused a great stir for several reasons. Firstly, Hardy created an impressive female figure who rebelled against many forms of social oppression. Hardy lambasted the traditional moral standards of Victorian social classes and added a controversial subtitle to his piece - ?A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented?. Hardy was severely criticized by the public for this subtitle as his heroine is a woman who, in their view, was impure because she lost her virginity. Hardy responded to this criticism in the preface to his book?s first edition. He quoted the words of St. Jerome, the Latin translator of the Bible, ?If an offence come out of the truth, better it is that the offence come than that the truth be concealed.? The way he stood up for his narrative shows Hardy's courage and his rebellious spirit against the rotten religious morality of the time.
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Getting to Yes Full Book Review
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Negotiation is closely related to our lives. Buyers and sellers bargain over the price of a product. Employees strive for a promotion or a pay raise from the boss. Children debate their parents over what time to go to bed at night. These are all familiar negotiation scenes in our daily lives. Everyone is a negotiator, and those who are better at negotiation meet their needs more efficiently. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In presents the research results of the Harvard Negotiation Project. This book will teach you how to negotiate more efficiently and help you achieve win-win outcomes!
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today, we will unlock the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.
Negotiation is closely related to our lives. Every one of us is a negotiator in the sense that we all face various negotiation scenarios every day. Thus, negotiation is an essential skill that we should master.
However, negotiation is not simple, and it is often hard to achieve good results. You may have encountered awkward situations like the following: Neither you nor the seller is willing to budge an inch while bargaining. Your boss rejects your request for a promotion or a pay raise. You argue with your colleague over differing proposals. So, is there any negotiation method that defends our interests while also satisfying the other party?
Of course, there is! The book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In proposes the ?principled negotiation,? a general strategy that applies to various negotiation situations. This so-called "principle" refers to the inner appeal of interests. The key is to treat your negotiating partner as a collaborator and focus on basic interests. Then, search for solutions that satisfy both parties? common interests based on objective standards to achieve win-win outcomes.
This book was published in 2009 and has been a bestseller ever since. It has also been recommended by John Kenneth Galbraith, the advisor to three U.S. presidents, Cyrus Roberts Vance, a former U.S. Secretary of State, and Ayn Rand, a famous writer from the U.S.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In was written by Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. They are three senior experts from the Harvard Negotiation Project. They are not only researchers but also practitioners in the field of negotiation. They provide professional negotiation consulting services for many individuals, companies, and even government agencies.
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Eat That Frog! Full Book Review
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In our workplace, each day we meet with various tasks of different complexities and deadlines. How do we allocate time for these tasks? Time management guru, Brian Tracy, shares the idea of eating the ugliest frog first, which is to tackle the toughest, most important task first.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time.
Here?s a common challenge we all face at work: There are two very urgent and difficult tasks in front of you, how should you choose? A newcomer in the workplace would usually get themselves in a knot while working on two tasks at the same time. But this is not very efficient. When doing one task, you worry about the progress of the other one. As a result, you can do neither tasks well. So, what is the correct approach? It is very simple. To complete both tasks quickly, you have to deal with the more difficult and arduous task first, complete it and then do the other.
But there aren?t always just two urgent tasks at your work each day. You may arrive at work in the morning and have multiple tasks to be done, each with different urgency. Then how do you choose? Time management guru Brian Tracy offers us a tip: eat the ugliest frog first.
What does it mean? Here, the frog is the most difficult and important task for you. "Eating this frog" is to complete the most important and difficult task. As American writer Mark Twain once said, ?Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.? If there are two, eat the uglier one first.
This rule of eating the ugly frog first doesn?t match the daily work habits of many people. Think back to when you arrived at your office in the morning, would you choose to complete the simple tasks first? Then, when you are ready to solve difficult tasks, psychological fear and resistance may lead you to play with your phone and relax. If some trivial tasks are temporarily added, such as sending emails and reimbursing expenses, then "eating this frog" will become a drag. Most people find it difficult to resist the temptation of doing first the easy then the difficult. After all, you can get obvious results by completing simple tasks first. But doing so will neither improve work efficiency, nor performance, because you can easily drag important and difficult tasks to the last minute and end up having to hastily complete them. In the bookey of Deep Work, we also analyzed other disadvantage of such a choice. Feel free to listen to it. As a result, if you want to use time more efficiently, improve work efficiency and performance, you must learn to eat that frog.
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Crucial Conversations Full Book Review
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Inevitably, there will be ?crucial moments? in our lives that are difficult to solve but will have a significant impact on the overall course of our life. However, most people handle these moments poorly, and even choose to avoid them. This book teaches us practical skills to handle crucial conversations, avoid unnecessary arguments, and achieve effective communication. This book is based on over 20 years of empirical research and data gathered from more than 100,000 people around the world. The skills described here have been adopted by more than 300 of the Fortune 500 companies, and the book has sold 3 million copies in the United States.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we?ll unlock the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High.
When people first hear the term ?crucial conversation,? it may conjure up images of Apple and Google?s lawyers fighting a patent dispute in court, or politicians from various countries gathered at a round table in Geneva to hold an international conference. Although discussions like these indeed have a wide-sweeping impact, they?re not the subject of this book. The crucial conversations we?re referring to are interactions that everyone experiences. They?re the day-to-day conversations that affect your life, such as the following scenarios: Imagine that you are facing harassment from your boss, and if you choose to tolerate it, he will continue; if you fight back, the next day, he may fire you for walking into the office with your left foot first. Or at home, imagine that your spouse intentionally or unintentionally alienates himself or herself from you. If you choose to let the situation escalate to a cold war, then your marriage will be on the rocks. But if you fight back, it may just make your spouse withdraw even more. These situations are actually crucial moments in our lives, and the result of these conversations will have lasting positive or negative effects, leaving a huge impact on the quality of our lives. Unfortunately, most people do not handle crucial conversations in the right way. In this case, the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High proposes two principles: clarify what you really want and create a safe atmosphere that helps us seize every crucial moment in our lives.
This book is co-authored by a team of four authors. Kerry Patterson did doctoral work in organizational behavior at Stanford University. He is a recipient of the 2004 William G. Dyer Distinguished Alumni Award from Brigham Young University?s Marriott School of Management. Joseph Grenny has been a senior consultant in the field of corporate change research for more than 30 years. He is also a co-founder of a non-profit organization, which works to eradicate poverty around the world. Ron McMillan, an acclaimed speaker and senior consultant, is the co-founder of the Covey Leadership Center, where he serves as Vice President of Research and Development. Al Switzler is on the faculty of the Executive Development Center at the University of Michigan and has helped dozens of Fortune 500 companies. After 20 years of research involving more than 100,000 people around the world, the team selected a group of great conversationalists, analyzed their common characteristics and behaviors in crucial conversations, and narrowed down a set of effective methods, which are the basis of this book.
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Can't Hurt Me Full Book Review
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Each time we encounter what appears to be an insurmountable challenge, our first instinct is usually to give up. Not the author of this book, David Goggins, who has an insatiable appetite for pain ? not only does he deliberately seek out challenges that stretch his endurance to breaking point, he would attempt them again and again till he not only conquers them, but does so better than everyone else. He believes everyone should callous their minds, give up victim?s mentality and eventually realize their maximum capacity. In this book, Goggins provides us with a candid account of all the hardships that he has conquered, from his abusive childhood to his brutal military training, in order to live life on his own terms.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book Can?t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins. In this book, Goggins shares with us how he turned his life around and overcame one obstacle after another by mastering his mind.
Growing up, Goggins did not enjoy the typical carefree childhood that many of his peers did. Instead, he and his mother and brother lived under the tyranny of his abusive father, who exposed them to a world of violence and pain from a young age. This affected him for a long time. Young Goggins was unmotivated and aimless, with a rage within him which continued to eat him from the inside. Although he tried out for the Air Force at one point, he lacked the tenacity to complete his training and eventually dropped out on medical grounds. Struck by his own failure, he abandoned his health by binge-eating, and resigned himself to a mediocre life of working in pest control.
All this started to change when he happened to watch a television programme about Navy SEALs, which captured on camera the most notorious part of SEAL training ? Hell Week. Instantly, Goggins was reminded of all the aspirations he once had, and decided it was time to pull himself together. From that point onwards, he never looked back, enduring three Hell Weeks to finally graduate top of his class as a Navy SEAL, and thereafter going on to set new records in long-distance running and endurance sports.
Goggins turned his life around through what he calls ?mastering the mind?. At any point when he felt like giving up, he would confront his own weaknesses, give himself a good scolding, and push himself to embrace his pain. In this book, he candidly shares the hardships he has endured throughout his life as well as the strategies he used to gain mastery over his own mind and successfully conquer the odds, thereby inspiring us to do the same.
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Born a Crime Full Book Summary
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Trevor Noah was born in South Africa before the elimination of apartheid, a system of institutionalized racial segregation. Because his father is white and his mother is Black, he was born a ?crime.? Though he was classified as colored and suffered from all kinds of inequality, he grew up under the protection of his mother, who was brave, pious, rebellious, and optimistic. Thanks to that, Noah grew up like a normal teenager without being negatively influenced by his social environment. Moreover, he inherited his mother?s nature and took control of his life.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we?ll unlock the book Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood.
How could someone be born a crime? The protagonist and author of this book, Trevor Noah, is one such person. He was born a crime simply because his father is white and his mother is Black?such a combination was illegal under the Immorality Act. It was a crime no less than treason. The Immorality Act enacted by the apartheid regime in South Africa aimed at denying Black South Africans the same right to marry as whites. According to the Immorality Act, having sexual relations with a person of another race was a crime. The parents would be sentenced, and children born to such a relationship would be sent to an orphanage.
In this book, Noah uses the first person point of view to explain how he grew up in South Africa, depicting what life was like under apartheid. We can see from this book that Noah, who was ?born a crime,? had a difficult childhood. He spent little time with his father, and when he did, they mostly stayed indoors. If they went outside together, his father could only walk on the other side of the road, pretending not to know Noah and his mother. Otherwise, they would all be taken away by the police for investigation. Trevor has darker skin than his father, and he was classified as ?colored.? In South Africa, mixed people were classified as their own separate group, neither black nor white, but ?colored.? The government forced people to register their race ? Black people, white people, Indian people, and colored people. As a mixed person, Noah has lighter skin than his mother, so he couldn?t walk with his mother in public either. Every time they went out for a walk, his mother would invite a colored neighbor to join them, so she could pose as a maid to avoid the police?s investigation.
Noah grew up with his mother and has been deeply influenced by her. As a matter of fact, this memoir of Noah?s is more like an epic for his mother. A strong and independent woman, his mother never succumbed to her fate because of her race. She would give her every effort to do what she wanted and eventually make it happen. Including Noah, she gave birth to him not because she wanted to be part of a man?s life but to have a baby of her own. After Noah?s birth, she raised him alone, keeping a reasonable and safe distance from his father, and managed to give Noah a normal life in a racially discriminative environment. Though life was hard, Noah learned to confront it with optimism under his mother?s protection and eventually became a world-famous talk show host. Michiko Kakutani, the former chief book critic for The New York Times and a Pulitzer Prize winner, praised this book as ?a love letter to the author?s remarkable mother.? And it indeed deserves such praise.
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Think and Grow Rich Full Book Summary
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Think and Grow Rich teaches us that for millions of people, desire can be the driver of success. Anyone interested in following this path to success must take a few straightforward steps. To start, of course, we must have a strong desire. With this yearning, we can affect the subconscious mind through autosuggestion . The subconscious mind reinforces our faith and confidence. It plants a seed. In time, it germinates, and a plan arises. What follows is action without a doubt. The method fully exploits the subconscious mind. It becomes a "middleman" that transforms desires into tangible effects. Through this process, you will realize that just thinking in the right way can make you rich.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book Think and Grow Rich.
One day, in the early years of the 20th century, in Orange, New Jersey, United States, a visitor came into Thomas A. Edison's office. The guest looked a bit like a homeless person being worn out after a long and arduous journey. He introduced himself as Edwin C. Barnes. He expressed his long-standing wish to be Edison's business partner.
Edison later recalled that something on Barnes' face conveyed determination. He was someone who would not give up until he achieved his goal. From his previous experience of dealing with people, Edison had learned that when someone's desire was so forceful that they would stake their entire future on their success?they were bound to succeed.
Edison allowed Barnes to stay, but only as a peon and not as a business partner. Nevertheless, Barnes didn't reckon that his work was unskilled; instead, he held himself to lofty standards. And a few years later, he finally got his wish. He became Edison's true business partner and found himself working in the same room he had blundered into when he first met Edison.
This is the story at the start of Think and Grow Rich. The anecdote tells us that a person's success is a function of their desire. The more intense their desire, the surer their success.
How strong was Barnes' passion for success? When he was determined to become Edison's business partner, he didn't know this famous scientist, nor did he have the money to travel to the city where he was working. Facing these two difficulties, most people might have already given up their plans. But not Barnes. His desire was so strong that he climbed on a freight train to reach the destination and finally stood before Edison. When you build up determination, you can overcome any seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Think and Grow Rich is a book about effective thinking. It could be described as a book about the passion for success. In the title, the word "rich" has multiple connotations. Beyond wealth and financial success, these riches also include spiritual, mental, and bodily estates. Since it was first published in 1937, the book has sold more than 70 million copies worldwide and has influenced the paths of countless lives. The book's author, Napoleon Hill, was a pioneering motivational expert seeking to identify the principles of success. As the work's first edition has now become dated, it was edited and revised in 2004 by Arthur R. Pell, who has a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He replaced some outdated stories and anecdotes with more contemporary examples. The book, in its updated version, is now widely available and remains enduringly popular.
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The Little Prince Full Book Summary
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The Little Prince is a children’s story that touches even the adults’ hearts, as the author said, “All grown-ups were once children.” From the point of view of a pilot, the book recounts the journey of a young prince who travels to Earth from an alien planet. The irony, fantasy, truth, and philosophy embedded in the story have made it one of the most famous children’s books in France and later across the world. It is hailed as one of the most read books after the Bible.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book The Little Prince.
In the 1940s, World War II swept the world. It brought not only chaos, but also spiritual decline. German philosopher Martin Heidegger described the era as “the destitute time” and “the time of world’s night”. When the darkness descended upon the people in the turbulent age, how should they free themselves from the difficult circumstances? Famous French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry gave his answer in The Little Prince.
Both a writer and a pilot, Saint-Exupéry was not the first who wrote about aviation, but he was the first author to explore life and civilization through aviation. In his works, Saint-Exupéry was committed to re-explore spiritual life, which he believed was above intelligence and in line with human needs; it would guide people in their journey of self-discovery and lead to their true essence. In the wake of the war, people, devastated, craved warmth and wisdom to comfort the anguish and vulnerability of their souls. It was where The Little Prince came in. To this day, this book still serves the purpose as the author wished: to nourish people’s souls. It is a timeless story that remains a solace to us all.
The Little Prince is a children’s story that touches even the adults’ hearts, as the author said, “All grown-ups were once children.” From the point of view of a pilot, the book recounts the journey of a young prince who travels to Earth from an alien planet. The irony, fantasy, truth, and philosophy embedded in the story have made it one of the most famous children’s books in France and later across the world. It is hailed as one of the most read books after the Bible. The young blond prince with melancholy eyes and a long scarf that flutters in the wind crosses the vast desert and into our hearts, bringing generations of readers a beautiful tale and the wisdom it contains.
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The Old Man and the Sea Full Book Summary
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The old fisherman Santiago ventures to the deep seas to fish. A marlin that is two feet longer than his boat gets caught on his fishing hook. After a stalemate spanning two days and two nights, the old man finally captures the fish. However, on his return trip, he encounters countless attacks from schools of sharks. Although he fights them with all his might, he is still unable to protect the marlin that he caught. The sharks devour it until only the skeleton remains, and in the end, the old man returns home empty-handed.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock The Old Man and the Sea for you. This is one of the best-known works by acclaimed 20th-century American writer Ernest Hemingway.
Hemingway was born in 1899, in Oak Park, Chicago. During his life, he fought in both World Wars as well as the Spanish Civil War, which inflicted tremendous damage on him both physically and psychologically. The wars opened his eyes to a world filled with violence and bloodshed, giving him a bleak and pessimistic world view. Following the First World War, the works of several American writers depicted characters who are empty, confused, and unable to find their sense of purpose or direction in life, and thus become profoundly dissatisfied with society. These writers have been collectively referred to as the ?Lost Generation,? among whom Hemingway was a key representative.
Published in 1952, The Old Man and the Sea tells the story of an old fisherman in Cuba who, after heading out to fish in the deep sea for three days and three nights, returns home empty-handed. The novel is based on real people and events ? the protagonist Santiago is modeled after Hemingway?s friend, a fisherman named Gregorio Fuentes. They met in 1928, when Fuentes was fishing at sea; he rescued Hemingway, who had been trapped in a storm. From then on, the pair became close friends. Hemingway lived in Cuba for many years, and during this time, he often went on fishing trips with Fluentes. Their encounter provided Hemingway with plenty of material for his writing, and the plot of this novel was, in fact, inspired by Fuentes?s adventures at sea. Once, Fluentes caught a large fish, but he was attacked by sharks while returning to shore, and only managed to bring back the skeletal remains. Fuentes?s experience moved Hemingway greatly, and in 1936, the latter published an article in a magazine detailing it. After the Christmas of 1950, Hemingway began to write The Old Man and the Sea while still living in Cuba. It only took him eight weeks to finish the first draft.
The novel met with great success after its publication, and Hemingway received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in 1954. Although the story is relatively short and the plot is simple, it is very rich in meaning and arguably the best work from his later years, the culmination of a lifetime of contemplation and artistic exploration. Hemingway once said, ?This is the prose that I have been working for all my life that should read easily and simply and seem short and yet have all the dimensions of the visible world and the world of a man?s spirit. It is as good prose as I can write as of now.?
Fellow American author William Faulkner once said, ?The Old Man and the Sea is his best. Time may show it to be the best single piece of any of us, I mean his and my contemporaries.?
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The Alchemist Full Book Summary
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A young shepherd named Santiago has a recurring dream, in which he sees a treasure hidden at the Egyptian pyramids. To seek the treasure, the boy sells his sheep and embarks on a strenuous journey, crossing the Sahara Desert. Throughout his trip, he experiences a series of strange encounters. Under the guidance of an alchemist, he reached the pyramids, only to discover where the treasure really was. In the end, he has managed to gain wealth and find his true love, turning the dream he sought all along into reality.
Overview | Chapter 1
Hi, welcome to Bookey. Today we will unlock the book The Alchemist.
The story begins when a young shepherd named Santiago has a recurring dream, in which he sees a treasure hidden at the Egyptian pyramids. To seek the treasure, the boy sells his sheep and embarks on a strenuous journey, crossing the Sahara Desert. Throughout his trip, he experiences a series of strange encounters. Under the guidance of an alchemist, he reached the pyramids, only to discover where the treasure really was. In the end, he has managed to gain wealth and find his true love, turning the dream he sought all along into reality.
Known as one of the few internationally acclaimed literary works, this book has been translated into 68 languages and holds a Guinness World Record as the most translated book by a living author. Being sold over 35 million copies in 160 countries, it is one of the best-selling books of all time. With a broad, compassionate, and unique perspective as well as crystal-clear writing, Coelho combines philosophical ideas, religious miracles, and fables. His novel has moved not only the common people across the world, but also powerful politicians, famous celebrities, and entrepreneurs, garnering hundreds of millions of readers. Even those who are illiterate are drawn to the wondrous world he depicted. In 2007, due to the influence of his works, Coelho became a UN Messenger of Peace.
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