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    BOOKEY Book Summary and Review

    Rethinking Motivation: Punished by Rewards

    22. Februar 2024

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    Chapter 1:Summary of Punished By Rewards book

    "Punished by Rewards" by Alfie Kohn is a critical analysis of the use of rewards as a means of motivation and behavior management, particularly in educational and workplace settings. Kohn argues that rewards, such as grades, gold stars, or bonuses, often undermine intrinsic motivation and promote a short-term focus on the reward rather than the activity itself.

    According to Kohn, rewards are based on the assumption that individuals will only work towards a goal if there is a tangible reward at the end. However, he suggests that this approach not only fails to foster a genuine interest and engagement in the task but also promotes a transactional mindset, where people are only motivated to do something for the sake of the reward rather than for personal growth or fulfillment.

    Kohn presents numerous studies and examples to support his argument that using rewards as a motivation tool can have negative consequences. He discusses how these extrinsic motivators can diminish creativity, decrease performance quality, and hinder long-term learning. He highlights the detrimental effects of rewards on individuals' intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, and the development of ethical values.

    The author suggests that a more effective alternative to rewards is to create learning and work environments that foster autonomy, collaboration, and mastery. He discusses the importance of allowing individuals to have more control over their learning or work process, encouraging them to set their own goals, and providing feedback that focuses on growth rather than comparisons to others.

    Overall, "Punished by Rewards" challenges the prevalent idea that rewards are an effective means of motivation. The book advocates for a reexamination of the use of rewards in various domains, with a focus on creating a more intrinsic motivation-driven culture conducive to personal development and long-term success.

    Chapter 2:the meaning of Punished By Rewards book

    "Punished By Rewards" is a book written by Alfie Kohn, an author and lecturer on education, parenting, and human behavior. In this book, Kohn challenges the widely accepted belief that rewards are effective motivators, suggesting that they can actually be counterproductive and harmful.

    Kohn argues that the use of rewards, such as praise, stickers, or tangible incentives, can undermine intrinsic motivation and hinder the development of skills and creativity. He contends that rewards lead to a focus on external validation rather than genuine engagement with the task or subject at hand.

    The book explores the negative effects of rewards on various settings, including schools, workplaces, and parenting, and presents research and evidence to support these arguments. Kohn also proposes alternative approaches, such as nurturing intrinsic motivation and creating supportive environments that value autonomy, collaboration, and a sense of purpose.

    In summary, the meaning of "Punished By Rewards" is to challenge the common practice of using rewards as motivators and to highlight the potential negative consequences they may have on individual motivation, performance, and well-being.

    Chapter 3:Punished By Rewards book chapters

    Chapter 1: The Case Against Rewards

    In this chapter, Kohn argues against the use of rewards as motivation in various settings such as schools, workplaces, and parenting. He examines the psychological and sociological implications of using rewards as incentives, highlighting how they can undermine intrinsic motivation, creativity, and ethical behavior.

    Chapter 2: Behaviorism: The Science of Bribes

    This chapter delves into the history and principles of behaviorism, a psychological theory that emphasizes the use of rewards and punishments to control behavior. Kohn critiques behaviorism, arguing that it treats individuals as objects to be manipulated rather than autonomous beings capable of self-direction.

    Chapter 3: Selling Students Short

    The focus of this chapter is on education and the detrimental effects of using rewards in schools. Kohn presents evidence and examples to show that rewards in educational settings can hinder learning, stifle natural curiosity, and discourage students from taking intellectual risks.

    Chapter 4: Forget What They've Earned

    Here, Kohn examines the concept of merit pay and performance-based rewards in the workplace. He argues that these systems can lead to a narrow focus on individual goals, discourage collaboration, and promote unethical behavior. Kohn suggests that intrinsic motivation, rather than external rewards, should be the driving force behind work.

    Chapter 5: Selling Teachers Short

    Continuing the discussion on education, this chapter explores the use of rewards for teachers, such as bonus pay based on student test scores. Kohn argues that such incentives can compromise the quality of teaching and learning, as they narrow the focus to test preparation and diminish the role of intrinsic motivation in educators.

    Chapter 6: The Hidden Costs of Rewards

    Kohn investigates the unintended consequences of rewards, such as the negative impact on relationships, long-term motivation, and personal well-being. He emphasizes the importance of fostering an intrinsic desire to do good work, rather than relying on external rewards.

    Chapter 7: Wise Parenting

    In this chapter, Kohn addresses the use of rewards in parenting. He explores the potential harm of using incentives to control children's behavior and argues for a more respectful and collaborative approach that focuses on fostering intrinsic motivation and autonomy.

    Chapter 8: The Problem with Punishment

    Kohn examines the concept of punishment as a means of control and behavioral modification. He critiques the use of punishments in various contexts and offers alternative strategies for discipline that prioritize empathy, understanding, and problem-solving.

    Chapter 9: A More Excellent Way

    In the final chapter, Kohn proposes an alternative approach to motivation that focuses on nurturing intrinsic motivation, fostering autonomy, and creating environments that support meaningful engagement. He offers suggestions for how to move away from a rewards-based system and toward a more effective, ethical, and satisfying approach to motivation.

    Chapter 4: Quotes of Punished By Rewards book

    1. "Offering rewards for desired behaviors can, in fact, reduce the intrinsic motivation to engage in that behavior."

    2. "Rewards turn play into work."

    3. "The more we use external inducements to motivate people, the more they lose interest in what they are being rewarded to do."

    4. "The focus on rewards teaches children that the reason to engage in a particular activity is to obtain a reward, rather than for its inherent value."

    5. "Rewards can undermine creativity and problem-solving skills by narrowing the focus to achieving the reward rather than exploring possibilities."

    6. "Rewards create a dependency on external validation, inhibiting individuals from developing an internal compass for judgment and decision-making."

    7. "Rewards can lead to reduced overall performance and a decrease in the quality of work."

    8. "Rewards can create a sense of entitlement and a transactional mentality, where individuals expect to be rewarded for every action."

    9. "The reliance on rewards can weaken intrinsic motivation and replace it with an external locus of control."

    10. "Instead of rewards, we should focus on creating environments that promote intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and a sense of mastery over one's work."

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