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    BOOKEY Book Summary and Review

    Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Notes

    13. Januar 2023

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    Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Notes

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    You probably have a stable and decent job, but you do not dare to rest for a second, because you are afraid that, should there be an unexpected accident, you will lose everything you have. How can you become a truly rich person, who does not have to worry about livelihood and can make financial freedom a reality? This book will tell you this: being hardworking is not enough; you also need a bit of financial intelligence. This book is just about to help you develop your financial intelligence and understand the secrets behind the mindset of the rich.

    Overview | Chapter 1

    Hi, welcome to bookey. Today, we will unlock the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, a groundbreaking book in the field of money management.

    You probably already have a stable and decent job, but you do not dare to rest for a second, because you are afraid that, should there be an unexpected accident, you will lose everything you have. How can you become a truly rich person, who does not have to worry about making ends meet and can make financial freedom a reality? This book will tell you this: being hardworking is not enough; you also need a bit of financial intelligence. This book is about to change the way you think about wealth and teach you how to think like the rich, paving the way to your financial freedom.

    The author of this book, Robert T. Kiyosaki, is known as 'The Godfather of Millionaires' and 'The Money Coach'. He is a popular financial expert. Through fun stories featuring him and 'two dads', he shows us the collision between two contrasting mindsets about money. The 'poor dad' (in the story) is Robert's biological father. He is a well-educated man with a Ph.D. degree as well as a stable job and a decent income. However, he is often caught in debt. The poor dad represents the mindset of most people who do not know how to deal with money. The rich dad is his friend Mike's dad. He is an entrepreneur who did not graduate from high school. Although 'rich dad' does not have deep expertise, he has excellent skills in managing money. The rich dad is the teacher of the author, Robert, in money management. He represents the mindset behind accumulating wealth successfully and becoming rich. He will teach you the concept of wealth that you must have to become a wealthy person.

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