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    Reading Recap: Book Summaries

    Running on Empty: Healing the Hidden Effects of Childhood Emotional Neglect

    18. Dezember 2023

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    The author of Running On Empty book

    The author of the book "Running On Empty" is Jonice Webb, PhD. She is a licensed psychologist and has been practicing individual and couples therapy for over 30 years. Jonice Webb specializes in the area of childhood emotional neglect (CEN), which is the focus of her book.

    In "Running On Empty," Webb explores the concept of CEN, which refers to a person's experience of not having their emotional needs met during their childhood. She explains how this lack of emotional support can impact individuals well into adulthood, affecting their relationships, self-esteem, and overall emotional well-being.

    Webb provides insights into the different ways CEN can manifest in a person's life, including difficulties with self-discipline, self-care, and expressing emotions. She also offers practical strategies and exercises to help individuals heal from the effects of CEN and develop healthier emotional connections.

    "Running On Empty" has received widespread acclaim and has become a popular resource for individuals seeking to understand and overcome the impact of childhood emotional neglect. The book offers a compassionate and insightful perspective on the often overlooked issue of emotional neglect and provides valuable guidance for those looking to heal and grow emotionally.

    Why is Running On Empty book worth reading?

    1. Riveting personal story: The book is based on the author's own experiences growing up with emotionally neglectful parents, which adds authenticity and depth to the narrative. It provides a firsthand account of the lasting impact of emotional neglect on individuals.

    2. Insightful exploration of emotional neglect: "Running on Empty" delves into the concept of emotional neglect and its effects on one's emotional well-being. It helps readers understand how they might have been affected by emotional neglect and offers guidance on healing and recovery.

    3. Practical advice and tools: The book is filled with practical strategies, techniques, and exercises to help readers heal from emotional neglect. It offers concrete steps that individuals can take to address and overcome the challenges they face as a result of their upbringing.

    4. Empathy and validation: For those who have experienced emotional neglect, "Running on Empty" provides an empathetic and validating voice. It helps readers realize that they are not alone in their struggles and offers support and understanding.

    5. Offers hope for healing: While addressing the impact of emotional neglect can be challenging, the book also presents a message of hope and resilience. It emphasizes that healing is possible, and that individuals can create a more fulfilling and emotionally nourishing life for themselves.

    Overall, "Running on Empty" is worth reading because it not only educates and raises awareness about emotional neglect but also provides practical tools and guidance for healing and growth.

    What is the book Running On Empty about?

    "Running on Empty" is a book written by Jonice Webb, featuring a subtitle "Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect." In this book, the author explores the concept of Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) and its impact on individuals as they navigate adulthood.

    Webb argues that growing up in an environment where emotions are overlooked, invalidated, or ignored can have long-lasting psychological consequences. It can lead to a feeling of emptiness, disconnection from oneself and others, and difficulty in understanding and expressing emotions.

    Through personal anecdotes, case examples, and practical advice, the book aims to help readers identify and heal from the effects of CEN. Webb offers strategies to reconnect with one's emotions, develop self-awareness, improve relationships, and regain a sense of vitality and fulfillment.

    "Running on Empty" provides readers with important insights into the significant role emotions play in our lives and offers guidance for those who may be struggling with emotional neglect from their upbringing.

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