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    Regelmäßiger Check-Up beim Arzt sinnlos

    20. Juni 2021

    Nächste Episode
    Ein liebgewordenes Wohlfühl-Ritual, mehr nicht.

    13 Belege und Quellen
    Adolfo Patiño, G. 1985. “[The surgeon-dentist Pierre Fauchard].” Revista de la Federacion Odontologica Colombiana 34 (151): 117–23.
    Brett, Allan S. 2021. “The Routine General Medical Checkup: Valuable Practice or Unnecessary Ritual?” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association.
    Clarkson, Jan E., INTERVAL Trial Collaboration, Nigel B. Pitts, Debbie Bonetti, Dwayne Boyers, Hazel Braid, Robert Elford, et al. 2018. “INTERVAL (investigation of NICE Technologies for Enabling Risk-Variable-Adjusted-Length) Dental Recalls Trial: A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial Investigating the Best Dental Recall Interval for Optimum, Cost-Effective Maintenance of Oral Health in Dentate Adults Attending Dental Primary Care.” BMC Oral Health. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12903-018-0587-2.
    Costanzo, Cari, and Abraham Verghese. 2018. “The Physical Examination as Ritual: Social Sciences and Embodiment in the Context of the Physical Examination.” The Medical Clinics of North America 102 (3): 425–31.
    Knowler, William C., Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Sarah E. Fowler, Richard F. Hamman, John M. Lachin, Elizabeth A. Walker, David M. Nathan, and Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. 2002. “Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin.” The New England Journal of Medicine 346 (6): 393–403.
    Krogsbøll, Lasse T., Karsten Juhl Jørgensen, and Peter C. Gøtzsche. 2019. “General Health Checks in Adults for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality from Disease.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1 (January): CD009009.
    Lamont, Thomas, Helen V. Worthington, Janet E. Clarkson, and Paul V. Beirne. 2018. “Routine Scale and Polish for Periodontal Health in Adults.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 12 (December): CD004625.
    Linder, Roland, Susanne Ahrens, Dagmar Köppel, Thomas Heilmann, and Frank Verheyen. 2011. “The Benefit and Efficiency of the Disease Management Program for Type 2 Diabetes.” Deutsches Arzteblatt International 108 (10): 155–62.
    Liss, David T., Toshiko Uchida, Cheryl L. Wilkes, Ankitha Radakrishnan, and Jeffrey A. Linder. 2021. “General Health Checks in Adult Primary Care: A Review.” JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 325 (22): 2294–2306.
    Ramsay, Craig R., Jan E. Clarkson, Anne Duncan, Thomas J. Lamont, Peter A. Heasman, Dwayne Boyers, Beatriz Goulão, et al. 2018. “Improving the Quality of Dentistry (IQuaD): A Cluster Factorial Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing the Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit of Oral Hygiene Advice And/or Periodontal Instrumentation with Routine Care for the Prevention and Management of Periodontal Disease in Dentate Adults Attending Dental Primary Care.” Health Technology Assessment 22 (38): 1–144.
    Riley, Philip, Helen V. Worthington, Jan E. Clarkson, and Paul V. Beirne. 2013. “Recall Intervals for Oral Health in Primary Care Patients.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , no. 12 (December): CD00

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