"The NextM Podcast - Tech at Heart, Ignition in Mind

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    The NextM Podcast - Tech at Heart, Ignition in Mind

    • In this episode of the NextM podcast series it’s all about multisensory perceptions and their effects on how we perceive certain dining experiences. Specifically, how different external stimuli that we smell, hear, see or touch merge and influence the way we taste. Hence, how the music we hear while eating or the material of the cutlery we use affects how we perceive our meal. Prof. Charles Spence is an experimental psychologist at the University of Oxford and a gastrophysicist inviting us into his multisensory world of flavors.
    • This NextM podcast episode is all about audio: Voice assistants have become very popular and are also increasingly discovered by brands for advertising purposes. Frank Bachér, Head of Digital Media at RMS, knows what marketers need to be aware of in the audio business and shares his personal insight into the world of voice with us.
    • Ben Royce, Creative Effectiveness Lead for Google’s Brand Unit and lecturer at Columbia University in New York, teaches us in the fifth NextM podcast episode everything we need to know about big data: Technical facts, fields of work for big data specialists, a worldwide comparison regarding the use of new technologies and an ethical point of view on data analysis - this episode covers it all!
    • Mit der anhaltenden Digitalisierung bekommt ein wichtiges Thema, das eigentlich zeitlos ist, eine ganz neue Dimension: Ethik. Als Mitglied des Deutschen Ethikrats kennt Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx die Grundsatzfragen, die bezogen auf Gesundheitsdaten, autonomes Fahren, neue Versicherungskonzepte oder China als Überwachungsstaat diskutiert werden und schildert uns in dieser vierten Episode der NextM Podcast-Reihe wie die Rahmenbedingungen sind und wie sie neu geschaffen werden.
    • Elena Corchero is a futurist at Unruly and gives us a virtual tour through the Future Home at Unruly in the third episode of the NextM podcast series. Her prognosis sounds like a movie: Smart and connected devices that are "brought to life" by voice and can be controlled on the go. Elena also shares her thoughts on smart cities and cars. Furthermore, she explains her view on timings and financial implications of the smart future as well as its impacts on retailers, advertisers and our own shopping experience.
    • Improvement takes patience – and proper tracking. Chris Dancy, the Most Connected Human on Earth, takes us on his journey from figuring out what to measure, to being overly obsessed with all the compiled data, to finally finding a mindful approach. In the second episode of the NextM podcast, you’ll learn how Chris Dancy’s “Periodic Table for Behaviour” is composed and how you can make the world a better place with data.
    • Dr. Tu-Lam Pham ist ein internationaler Berater für E-Commerce, Social Media und die digitale Entwicklung. In diesem Podcast blickt er mit uns nach China, das sich schon lange von der vermeintlichen Copycat zum weltweiten Innovationstreiber entwickelt hat. Was die Treiber dieser Innovationskraft oder sogenannte „SuperApps“ sind und wie der deutsche Markt konkurrenzfähig bleiben kann, hören Sie in der ersten Episode der NextM Podcast-Reihe.
    • Die Episode Null wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Idee „NextM“.Die beiden „Macher“ von NextM, Anne-Christine Rieger und Sven Wollner, erläutern, was NextM an Themen, Speakern und Specials bieten wird und geben Einblicke von A wie Artificial Intelligence bis Z wie Zukunft von eCommerce.
    Digital change is fun, especially if you can actively help shape it. That’s why in the NextM podcast we talk to experts from marketing, culture, tech & science  about the most important trend topics.

    In 25 crisp minutes each, our conversation partners explain their vision of tomorrow’s world.  Artificial Intelligence, bio-hacking, big data ethics, start-up culture, eSports, and  “Life after the Internet”. Unique insights, exciting outlooks and lots of material to form your own opinion.

    Stay tuned for periodic updates on here!
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