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In this episode, we delve into the essential principles of trauma-informed care and explore how social workers can implement these practices to better support their clients. For those looking to expand their knowledge and skills in this area, consider exploring the free CE for social workers available through Therapy Trainings™. Additionally, if you're interested in furthering your expertise in mental health practices, check out the mental health CE courses offered by Therapy Trainings™. These resources provide high-quality educational materials designed to meet the unique needs of social workers and support their commitment to lifelong learning.
Trauma-informed care is a framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. It emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both providers and survivors, helping rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. Join us as we discuss practical strategies and insights from experienced professionals who have successfully integrated trauma-informed approaches into their work. We'll cover key topics such as creating safe environments, understanding trauma triggers, and fostering resilience in clients.
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