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    The NextM Podcast - Tech at Heart, Ignition in Mind

    Changing perspectives: A coffee break with Stevan Randjelovic on brand safety during crisis

    8. April 2020

    Nächste Episode
    This episode is about Brand Safety, Advertising, News Consumption, Digital Media and Trust.

    This episode is part of our NextM podcast special series, containing short interview snippets that were recorded remotely – please excuse minor technical interruptions.

    Currently, one of the most discussed questions in the advertising industry is probably how to ensure brand safe advertising in times of bad news and fake information regarding Corona. This is exactly the topic our guest in this special episode, Stevan Randjelovic, Director Brand Safety and Digital Risk at GroupM, deals with. We discuss with him why advertisers should avoid pure keyword blocking and how the overall news consumption is currently changing, especially in digital media. In addition to insights on how to manage brand safe communication and to support trusted information during the crisis, Stevan also shares his personal advice on how to make isolation a bit more comfortable.

    Links Stevan Randjelovic:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevan_r?lang=de

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevanrandjelovic/

    Links GroupM:

    Website: https://www.groupm.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GroupMWorldwide

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/groupmworldwide/


    Weitere Links:

    John Montgomery on Brand Safety during a Crisis: https://www.iab.com/events/iab-there-measuring-brand-safety-during-a-crisis/

    Stevan Randjelovic on brand safety and ad fraud in general: https://meinpodcast.de/nextm/e21-Stevan+Randjelovic

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