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    The Fintech & Digital Banking Podcast by Annika Melchert & Nora Hocke - presented by BCG Platinion

    “Everyone Should Be Able to Fulfill Their Financial Potential” with Jurek Herwig, Co-Founder and CTO of forget.finance

    22. Juli 2021

    Nächste Episode
    In the race to provide the best and simplest user experience ever, financial services still offer a promising playground for start-ups. Digital finance offerings are more popular than ever—forget.finance is well on the way to becoming one of them. With its ambition to offer a holistic, mobile-based financial coach, they are likely to be one of the most promising fintechs in the German market. Join us as we talk to Jurek Herwig, Co-Founder and CTO, about his vision, the characteristics of a modern banking IT architecture, and his ambitions for the future.

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