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    The NextM Podcast - Tech at Heart, Ignition in Mind

    Sam Field on how 5G opens a “World of Possibilities” for brands and humans

    23. Januar 2020

    Nächste Episode
    This episode is about 5G, Technology, Business models, AR, Innovation

    In our increasingly connected world, the 5G technology is an important step for meeting consumer needs and optimizing existing processes. Sam Field, Head of Creative Technology EMEA for RYOT Studio at Verizon Media, explains the full potential of this new technology and why companies should enter the "Road to 5G" right now.
    In addition to the benefits for our everyday lives, this podcast episode focuses on 5G-driven business models that are already emerging and the technical requirements. Finally, Sam illustrates how we will move from a 2D to a 3D world and how 5G offers us a new "World of Possibilities".


    Links RYOT Studio:

    Website: https://www.ryotstudio.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RYOTStudio/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryot_studio/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RYOTStudio

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ryotstudio/

    Links Sam Field:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/SG_Field

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samfield/
    • 00:53 The “8 Currencies” of 5G
    • 02:52 The impact of 5G for our daily lives
    • 05:46 Conditions and applications of 5G
    • 08:38 Reliability in terms of autonomous driving
    • 11:40 Looking forward to a post-smartphone era
    • 13:32 Business models enabled by 5G
    • 16:06 Taking advantage of some major trends

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