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    The NextM Podcast - Tech at Heart, Ignition in Mind

    Reconnecting with our planet: Neil Harbisson about the purpose of Artificial Senses

    6. Februar 2020

    Nächste Episode
    This episode is about Cyborg, Technology, Artificial Senses, Science, Biology

    Technology has become a fundamental part of our everyday life. Neil Harbisson, Co-Founder of the Cyborg Foundation, has moved one step further by actively becoming part of technology: He has an antenna implanted in his skull to overcome his color blindness and perceives the entire color spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet as vibrations in his head. In our conversation he tells us exactly how this works, what "Superpowers" other cyborgs already have and what will be possible in the future. He also explains the deeper purpose and benefits of these "Artificial Senses" and what positive effects they might have on humanity and our overall connection to our planet and other species.


    Links Cyborg Foundation:

    Website: https://www.cyborgfoundation.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cyborgfoundation/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyborgfoundation/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cyborg_Labs

    LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/company/cyborg-foundation-labs

    Links Neil Harbisson:

    Website: https://www.cyborgarts.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeilHarbisson

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neilharbisson/?hl=en

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-harbisson-884065172/
    • 00:28 What is a cyborg?
    • 01:34 How Neil’s color perception works
    • 04:00 Developing an Artificial Sense
    • 05:30 Sharing senses
    • 07:50 Coloring dreams
    • 09:07 Benefits of becoming a cyborg
    • 11:06 The idea behind sensing the weather
    • 12:22 Reconnecting with nature and other species
    • 14:21 The perception of time in the future

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